Were you there Mama that day at the park? You said you were having a bad hair day, so you did not want to be in the picture.

Were you there Mama that day at my school? You said you did not have time to get ready that morning, so you did not want to be in the picture.

Were you there Mama that day at the beach? You did not like how you looked in your bathing suit, so you did not want to be in the picture.

Were you there Mama that day at the zoo? You did not have time to put on makeup, so you did not want to be in the picture.

Were you there Mama when we were playing dress up our playroom? You did not feel “pretty” that day, so you did not want to be in the picture.

Were you there Mama when we went to Disney that day? You said it was too hot and your face was also red, so you did not want to be in the picture.

Were there Mama when we went to the pool? You said you looked too pale, so you did not want to be in the picture.

Were you there Mama when we went out for pizza? You said you looked terrible so you did not want to be in the picture.

Mama where are you in all these pictures? There are plenty of pictures of me, Mama! I love to look back and laugh at my funny faces. I see Dada in so many photos too! It is so fun to take pictures with Daddy! I see my baby sister in some of my favorite photos, but I do not see you. Where are you, Mama?

Mama, that day at the park when you did not like your hair, I thought your hair looked pretty, especially when it was blowing in the wind as we ran through the grass.

Mama, when you were worried about how you looked at my school, I was just so happy you were at my school to see me. I was excited to take a picture with you, but you did not want to.

Remember that day at the beach when you said you felt ugly in your bathing suit? All I saw was my pretty Mama that stayed in her beach chair all afternoon. I wish I had a picture with you from the beach that day.

Remember that day we were playing in our playroom? I put that floppy hat on you, and I said, “Mama, take a picture of us with these hats on!” You said you did not feel pretty that day, so you did not take a picture, but Mama you looked beautiful to me.

Mama, when we went to the zoo, I remember I took that funny picture with Daddy by the giraffes. I did not notice that you were not wearing makeup that day. I did notice you did not want to be in a picture with me and I was not sure why.

Mama, I hear you say that you do not look good. I hear you say that you need to put makeup on. You will say you are having a bad hair day or that you do not look pretty. You say many things when you do not want to be in a picture, Mama.  I hear these things, and I do not understand them because I think you are beautiful, Mama.

You are my Mama that every morning gives me kisses and does my hair. You are my Mama that takes me to the park and spins me round and round. You are my Mama that splashes with me in the pool. You are my Mama that at the zoo makes funny animal noises as we explore together. That is what I remember Mama.

Mama, I know you were there those special days when we went to the park and the beach. When you would swing me and say, “Hold on!” as I asked you to push me higher and higher.

At the pool, I remember when I fell asleep on your chest, and it was the best nap I ever had. I could hear your heartbeat, and it soothed me as nothing else had before.

I remember that time you ordered mushrooms on your pizza and I said “Yuck! No mushrooms for me!” I can recall all these things right now, but one day, as time goes on, it will be hard for me to remember specific details about you, Mama.

One day, a long time from now, it will be hard for me to remember how you were that day Mama. Did you have your hair down or up? Was your hair dark brown or was it that light blonde you sometimes had? What were your features like that day? Were your eyes tired from work or did we let you sleep enough the night before? Did you wear blue or white that day? Did you smile with your teeth or give that sly smile you sometimes give? I can’t seem to remember Mama if you made a silly face that day. I love your fish face, Mama. I wish I had a picture of it.

Mama, can you help me remember these days by taking pictures with me?

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